My Charcuterie Boards Keep Going Viral – Here’s Why

I get asked quite often what my favorite charcuterie ingredient is, and while this is an incredibly difficult question to answer (hello, I love them all…except olives, but that’s a conversation for a different time), my response is always:


And I must not be the only one who loves brie – because this particular brie styling technique always goes viral on social media. Every. Single. Time.

& today, I’m going to show you EXACTLY how to make it.

Brie can transform any ordinary board into a beautiful work of art.

If you’re currently asking yourself, “what brie styling technique is she talking about?”, well, it’s called the Brie Pinwheel….at least that’s what I like to call it, and it’s one of my favorite charcuterie “go-to’s”. Here’s why:

  1. It’s extremely easy to make
  2. It can help create height on your board
  3. It draws your eye in
  4. It helps add dimension

And all you need is a round of brie (not a wedge) a cutting board, and a knife – easy peasy! Note: these products contain affiliate links.

The Prep:

Step #1

Place your brie round on your cutting board.

Step #2

Using your knife, slice your brie in half, and then slice it in half again to create 4ths.

Step #3

Now slice each 4th in half two more times until each piece is sliced into 16ths. Each brie slice should be relatively small.

Step #4

Your final brie should look similar to the picture above. Once it’s sliced, it’s ready to be transitioned to your final platter.

So now that we’ve prepped our brie, it’s time to arrange our beautiful pinwheel pattern on our final platter!

The Arrangement:

Step #1

Place your already sliced brie round on your final arrangement platter.

Step #2

Seperate the slices so that they aren’t quite touching, but they’re still close to each other.

Step #3

Now begin to lay each slice onto the slice next to it, like falling dominos.

Step #4

You’ll be left with a beautiful, pinwheel pattern, which creates an incredible backdrop for fruits, meats, or a cute jar of honey!

& there ya have it! How beautiful? Let me know if you’ll try this on your next board below.

I’m teaching a free charcuterie workshop on 3 brie styling techniques to take your boards to the next level! Want to join? Register today at this link:

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